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 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall.

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Dark Angel


Africa-S. "Cheeky" Bones
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 25/12/2012
Ҩ PSEUDO : une gueuse en tutu. (CALLISTA)

(M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. Empty
MessageSujet: (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall.   (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. EmptyMer 26 Déc - 21:25

declan tuchoisis lereste

∞ nom : tuchoisis.
∞ prénom(s) : Declan + d'autres si tu veux.
∞ âge : 19 ans.
∞ origine : Originaire d'Heaven Hill since ever.
∞ métier/études : étudiant ou pas, as you want.
∞ situation amoureuse : célibataire appartenant à Cheeky bicoz on partage pas la bonne viande tavu ?
∞ orientation sexuelle : CHEEKYSEXUEL hétéro je dirai, sinon il craquerai pas aussi facilement.
∞ avatar : une grande liste de possibilité j'ai mis Dylan par défaut mais selon le titre, Dylan O'Brien. Lis bien le petit message à la fin j'ai mis une liste. (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 456023687
∞ traits de caractère importants : passif - doux - cynique - intelligent - naïf - casse cou - soumis (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2662895640 - souriant - compréhensif.

HISTOIRE ∞ Bon à savoir, il vit dans une famille riche mais n'est pas snob du tout. Il connaît Cheeky depuis toujours azeklajze. Sinon c'est assez libre je dirai juste que je voudrais que Declan soit né à Heaven Hill, y ait toujours vécu. Il peut avoir des frères / soeurs, à votre guise (même chiens chats hein, duh). Ah et sa première fois c'est Cheeky normalement, euké ? Après qu'il baise qui il veut tant que ça se sait pas il craint rien. (J'essaye de laisser un minimum de liberté genre pour que t'puisses un secret qui envoie du pâté azelkjaze). Lisez ma fiche aussi elle est pas si longue que ça. (a)(a)

DECLAN ? OH UN POTE. ∞ La première fois ils avaient un peu plus de seize ans. Cheeky avait grimpé sur le grand chêne et avait sauté adroitement sur la petite terrasse de chez Declan. Les rideaux claquaient contre la baie vitrée ouverte et la grande chambre parfumée était vide. Dans un grand élan de courage, elle s'y était glissée et avait attendu là, assise sur le lit, que le garçon pointe son museau. Pendant un quart d'heure elle avait gratter la couverture rugueuse sur le lit, eu le temps de renverser un pot et s'était ébouriffé les cheveux une bonne vingtaine de fois. Si bien qu'ils s'apparentait plus à une crinière de lion. Puis il a enfin émergé avec ses yeux étonné et ses paquets dans les mains. « Tu fous quoi ici Cheek ... » « Tais-toi s't'euplaît. » rapidement elle avait retiré son t-shirt et déjà elle lui mordait les lèvres du bout des siennes. « Attends Cheek pourquoi tu- » « On va pas rester puceaux toute notre vie, si ? » il secoua la tête en signe de désapprobation et se mis en tête de la suivre dans ses mouvements. Tant qu'à perdre sa virginité, autant qu'ils fassent ça ensemble, ils se connaissent mieux que personne. Declan l'observait du bout de ses doigts ; son être tout entier était captivé par le creux de ses reins et ces courbes encore un peu maladroites, enfantines qui donnaient une forme anguleuse à ses omoplates. Aussi étonnant que cela puisse paraître, il s'y prenait plutôt bien. Une douceur tendre se dégageait de sa danse. Ils respiraient le même air, en cet instant elle était sienne. L'espace d'un moment, Cheeky était une fille. Mais ça, c'était avant qu'elle reparte par la fenêtre en sautant comme un chimpanzé. Cheeky, rien ni personne ne la change. Pas même un moment intime. Limite si elle avait pas passé éponge sur l'épisode le lendemain. […] « Declan chez moi toudisuite j'ai besoin de toi pour une partie de Call Of en ligne ! Nani a fait des knackis. » il arrivait, comme toujours, son pote Declan. [...] Certains jours, elle ne saurait pas trop se l'expliquer, elle retrouvait une soudaine envie de posséder ses lippes, de faire rouler la peau hyaline du bout de ses doigts sur le satin de son épiderme frissonnant. Il ne refusait pas. Du claquement de l'élastique sur son ventre plat à la douceur de sa peau, il aimait tout chez Cheeky. Sans s'en rendre compte, la jeune fille encore gamine exerçait un pouvoir sur Declan dont elle ignorait les limites. Elle ignorait tout de leur relation mais dans sa tête de linotte elle contrôlait à l'aise. Ouais, elle disait ça. Je contrôle. Même si elle montrait les crocs dès qu'une femelle s'approchait trop près de lui. Pur instinct de propriété. [...]
EN GROS. Declan aime Cheeky, Cheeky aime Declan. Mais Cheeky est trop têtue pour se laisser emporter par la douce niaiserie de l'amour haha. Jamais elle est trop tarée pour ça elle veut pas crever enchaînée mais pourtant Declan lui appartient en quelque sorte. Lui, il est totalement hypnotisé -ok c'est hyper imagé- et il s'est habitué au côté pitbull sur ses gardes de Cheeky. Bon c'est pas super agréable mais parfois il a l'impression d'être aimé, ok ? Donc ça lui convient comme relation. Des fois elle débarque chez lui et ceylafête du slip. Non sérieusement, je vous tout de suite, ils sont prêts de se mettre officiellement ensemble parce que Cheeky elle connaît pas l'engagement, sauf en amitié. ET C'EST PAS SON CHEZ RIZ C'EST SON POTE. (bon amitié plus tendancieuse ambiguë tu meurs mais Cheeky elle sait pas elle joue l'insouciante effronté et jalousement possessive avec ça).

J'T'AIME PAS DÉGAGE. ∞ écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici.

prénom prénom nom
lien ou citation ∞ écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici. écrire le lien ici.

Dernière édition par Africa-S. "Cheeky" Bones le Jeu 27 Déc - 6:51, édité 2 fois
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Dark Angel


Africa-S. "Cheeky" Bones
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 25/12/2012
Ҩ PSEUDO : une gueuse en tutu. (CALLISTA)

(M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall.   (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. EmptyMer 26 Déc - 21:51

on pose les conditions et keur


PSEUDO ▲ alors pour le pseudo je veux juste garder le Declan parce que j'ai mis Declan partout dans ma fiche azelk. QUE JERRY QUE JEPLOR Sinon on peut toujours négocier, je peux éditer ma fiche si vraiment ce prénom bloque je suis gentille et tout moi là-dessus. (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 456023687
AVATAR ▲ pour l'avatar je suis difficile mais flexible. J'explique; aucun problème pour le changer mais j'ai pas mal de bouilles que j'abhorre complètement QUE JERRY QUE JEPLOR Alors j'ai même fait une petite liste non exhaustive (deux ou trois propositions j'en ai pas dix hein) mais vous pouvez toujours négociez avec d'autres je suis ouverte pour le coup si les propositions sont du bon âge hein. (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 456023687

+ UN DES JUMEAUX HARRIES (qui font jeunes par contre alzekhjz mais après t'as un jumeau gratos (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2496382268)

PRÉSENCE ▲ je suis pas super exigeante là-dessus surtout que cette année ceylacrise alors des réponses espacées les unes des autres ne me gênes pas. (a)
DANS LE RP ▲ niveau rp je vais être claire, si t'as jamais atteint les 1000 mots je vais me sentir mal de RP avec toi alors vaut mieux éviter. Je fais des rp qui font en général au minimum 700 mots et lorsque je suis inspirée ça peut aller à plusieurs milliers je l'avoue. Après les fautes c'est mal alors tant que t'es pas du genre à faire des faute ses/c'est, er/é/ais ou ça/sa ça ma convient. (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2496382268
UN DOUTE ? ▲ MPOTTE MOI AZMEJAZE. (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1003453391 j'aime les mp j'ai des petits picotements quand j'en reçois j'te jure je kiffe trop ça azlekjaz. QUE JERRY QUE JEPLORQUE JERRY QUE JEPLOR non je suis pas folle c'est bon quoi j'aime les mp c'esttout. Donc voilà, à la moindre question tu me mpottes ou si t'es pas sûr de t'inscrire, tu postes dans la partie invités tu vois ? ** Sinon approprie-toi le perso, c'est ce que je veux ! (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 456023687
ET ENFIN ▲ millier de keurs sur toi si tu prends ce scéna il est super important tu vois ?
(M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 891098728 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2787731181 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1236213117 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 456023687 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3548381332 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2848245269 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1003453391 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1007509364 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2097460397 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2006429247 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3505463539 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4205929361 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 43523757 QUE JERRY QUE JEPLOR (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 299291385 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2965971428 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2848245269 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1247806006 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2781649424 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4153354820 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3910324452 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4029093039 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 469478419 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1839924927 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 408535725 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3448522082 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2662895640 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 675700275 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2806429274 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1132225039 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2567880338 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2720220855 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3967998059 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2674662298 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4272052549 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 621014945 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1688815589 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1889668529 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1003548930 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3673084296 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2496382268 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 839282284 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1303717944 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1285694423 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3796487374 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2676764024 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2729217173 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 135421407 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2775561122 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4180599213 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1303717944 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3050373503 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4064327615 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3692275797 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2200700740 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3395323698 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1340153060 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3271916155 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 94887767 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3845856932


Dernière édition par Africa-S. "Cheeky" Bones le Jeu 27 Déc - 9:34, édité 1 fois
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R. Declan Jenkins

R. Declan Jenkins
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 27/12/2012
Ҩ PSEUDO : .cupcake (Samantha)
Ҩ AVATAR : Jack Harries.
Ҩ CRÉDIT : Frenchadicted (avatar)

(M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall.   (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. EmptyJeu 27 Déc - 9:26

JE T'AVAIS BIEN DIT QU'ON ALLAIT S’ÉPOUSER (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2720220855 (bon t'avais dit Vegas mais voilà (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4153354820)
Par contre j'ai pris Jack parce que jolem mais si tu tiens vraiment à Dylan je peux changer (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1247806006 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 456023687
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Dark Angel


Africa-S. "Cheeky" Bones
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 25/12/2012
Ҩ PSEUDO : une gueuse en tutu. (CALLISTA)

(M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall.   (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. EmptyJeu 27 Déc - 9:39

OH MON DIEU TOI TU VIENS TU DÉBARQUES ET TU VIENS TENTER MON SCÉNARIO COMME ÇA. (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2124793060 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2124793060 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 456023687 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 456023687 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 456023687 RANAFOUTRE ON SE MARIERA ICI azlekajze,. (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1236213117 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1003453391
JOTEM JOTEM JOTEM MERCI DE TENTER MERCI MERCI. (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 456023687 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 456023687 (du coup j'ai pas eu le temps de rajouter un lien que j'ai eu à la dernière minute mais osef je t'expliquerai QUE JERRY QUE JEPLOR)
(M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2787731181 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1236213117 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1003453391 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1007509364 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2097460397 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2006429247 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3505463539 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 891098728 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 43523757 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4205929361 QUE JERRY QUE JEPLOR (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1007509364 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2848245269 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3548381332 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 456023687 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1247806006 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4153354820 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3910324452 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4029093039 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 469478419 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 675700275 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1839924927 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3699949925 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1247806006 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2662895640 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 408535725 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1348977479 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2674662298 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1147778360 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2720220855 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2662895640 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2567880338 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 408535725 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2806429274 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1688815589 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1132225039 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1779901633 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4272052549 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 621014945 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3967998059 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 303479109 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1889668529 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2674662298 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3464165534 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2567880338 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3464165534 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 408535725 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3448522082 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2662895640 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1839924927 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3796487374 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2676764024 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1303717944 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1285694423 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4180599213 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3673084296 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2496382268 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1003548930 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1889668529 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2729217173 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 135421407 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3692275797 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4064327615 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3050373503 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2787731181 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1236213117 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1003453391 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1007509364 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2097460397 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2006429247 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3505463539 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 891098728 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 43523757 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4205929361 QUE JERRY QUE JEPLOR (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1007509364 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2848245269 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3548381332 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 456023687 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1247806006 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4153354820 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3910324452 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4029093039 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 469478419 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 675700275 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1839924927 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3699949925 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1247806006 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2662895640 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 408535725 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1348977479 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2674662298 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1147778360 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2720220855 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2662895640 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2567880338 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 408535725 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2806429274 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1688815589 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1132225039 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1779901633 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4272052549 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 621014945 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3967998059 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 303479109 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1889668529 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2674662298 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3464165534 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2567880338 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3464165534 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 408535725 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3448522082 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2662895640 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1839924927 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3796487374 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2676764024 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1303717944 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1285694423 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4180599213 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3673084296 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2496382268 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1003548930 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1889668529 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2729217173 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 135421407 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3692275797 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4064327615 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3050373503 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2787731181 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1236213117 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1003453391 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1007509364 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2097460397 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2006429247 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3505463539 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 891098728 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 43523757 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4205929361 QUE JERRY QUE JEPLOR (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1007509364 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2848245269 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3548381332 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 456023687 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1247806006 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4153354820 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3910324452 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4029093039 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 469478419 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 675700275 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1839924927 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3699949925 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1247806006 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2662895640 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 408535725 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1348977479 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2674662298 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1147778360 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2720220855 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2662895640 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2567880338 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 408535725 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2806429274 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1688815589 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1132225039 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1779901633 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4272052549 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 621014945 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3967998059 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 303479109 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1889668529 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2674662298 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3464165534 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2567880338 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3464165534 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 408535725 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3448522082 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2662895640 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1839924927 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3796487374 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2676764024 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1303717944 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1285694423 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4180599213 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3673084296 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2496382268 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1003548930 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1889668529 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2729217173 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 135421407 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3692275797 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4064327615 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3050373503 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2787731181 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1236213117 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1003453391 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1007509364 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2097460397 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2006429247 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3505463539 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 891098728 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 43523757 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4205929361 QUE JERRY QUE JEPLOR (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1007509364 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2848245269 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3548381332 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 456023687 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1247806006 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4153354820 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3910324452 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4029093039 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 469478419 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 675700275 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1839924927 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3699949925 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1247806006 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2662895640 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 408535725 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1348977479 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2674662298 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1147778360 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2720220855 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2662895640 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2567880338 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 408535725 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2806429274 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1688815589 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1132225039 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1779901633 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4272052549 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 621014945 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3967998059 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 303479109 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1889668529 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2674662298 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3464165534 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2567880338 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3464165534 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 408535725 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3448522082 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2662895640 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1839924927 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3796487374 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2676764024 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1303717944 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1285694423 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4180599213 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3673084296 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2496382268 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1003548930 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1889668529 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2729217173 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 135421407 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3692275797 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4064327615 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3050373503 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2787731181 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1236213117 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1003453391 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1007509364 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2097460397 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2006429247 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3505463539 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 891098728 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 43523757 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4205929361 QUE JERRY QUE JEPLOR (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1007509364 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2848245269 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3548381332 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 456023687 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1247806006 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4153354820 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3910324452 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4029093039 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 469478419 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 675700275 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1839924927 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3699949925 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1247806006 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2662895640 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 408535725 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1348977479 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2674662298 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1147778360 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2720220855 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2662895640 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2567880338 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 408535725 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2806429274 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1688815589 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1132225039 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1779901633 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4272052549 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 621014945 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3967998059 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 303479109 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1889668529 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2674662298 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3464165534 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2567880338 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3464165534 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 408535725 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3448522082 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2662895640 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1839924927 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3796487374 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2676764024 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1303717944 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1285694423 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4180599213 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3673084296 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2496382268 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1003548930 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1889668529 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2729217173 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 135421407 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3692275797 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4064327615 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 3050373503
si t'as des questions ou quoi hein ma boîte à mp est graaande ouverte t'as de la chance j'arrivais pas à dormir alzekjazeroa. (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1003453391 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2787731181
EDIT: et moi Jack me va très bien cey mon mari t'façon. -oupas- et si tu te sens plus à l'aise c'est sans problème euké alzekjazre (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1236213117
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R. Declan Jenkins

R. Declan Jenkins
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 27/12/2012
Ҩ PSEUDO : .cupcake (Samantha)
Ҩ AVATAR : Jack Harries.
Ҩ CRÉDIT : Frenchadicted (avatar)

(M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall.   (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. EmptyJeu 27 Déc - 10:26

OU TU VEUX (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 891098728 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2124793060
JOTEM JOTEM AUSSI ET DE RIEN DE RIEEEEEN TON SCENA IL EST JUSTE PARFAIT (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 456023687 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 675700275 Alors ouais faudra que tu m'expliques ça QUE JERRY QUE JEPLOR T'AIMES ÊTRE HARCELÉE PAR MP HEIN AVOUUUES QUE JERRY QUE JEPLOR (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 891098728 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 1247806006
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Dark Angel


Africa-S. "Cheeky" Bones
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 25/12/2012
Ҩ PSEUDO : une gueuse en tutu. (CALLISTA)

(M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall.   (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. EmptyJeu 27 Déc - 10:41

QUE OUI J'AIME ÊTRE HARCELÉE TU LIS EN MOI. (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 2781649424 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 4029093039 (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. 469478419
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(M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall.   (M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall. Empty

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(M) DYLAN O'BRIEN ▲ just push me up against the wall.

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Feet don't fail me now
 :: I feel so alone on a Friday night :: My old man is a bad man