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 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you.

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K.-Timoty Meadows

K.-Timoty Meadows
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 26/12/2012
Ҩ PSEUDO : definition of love. | Lola² keuwa.

saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. Empty
MessageSujet: saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you.   saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. EmptyMer 26 Déc - 9:33

Kimberley-Timoty Meadows

→ me, myself and i
nom : Meadows. Ouais ça veut dire prairies ça fait quand même presque 20 ans que je me tape ce nom de licorne alors si tu veux bien baisser les yeux maintenant que t'as appris que c'était sans intérêt. ∞ prénom(s) : Kimberley-Timoty. Plus connu sous le nom de Tim mais t'amuses pas à chercher des surnom biteux sortis de nulle part. ∞ âge : 20 ans. ∞ date de naissance : 5 janvier 1993. ∞ lieu de naissance : dans une couveuse de l'hôpital le plus proche. ∞ métier/études : étudiant en littérature et assistant-coiffeur à Gianclaudio. ∞ situation amoureuse : célibaire. et amoureux avec ça, ceytrodrôle. ∞ orientation sexuelle : Sérieux limite c'est écrit gay here sur sa gueule. Mais il est bi par occasions. ∞ traits de caractère : fier & autain - autoritaire - douillet - expressif - obstiné - ce mec, est une pétasse, bonjour - opportuniste - rancunier - hypopocrite - protecteur - fidèle tavu - franc - calculateur - sociable - mais il est gentil des fois hein avec ses potes genre il est hyper protecteur avec ceux qu'il aime voilà ceypas une bitch ... enfin si mais voilà PF. ∞ avatar : THE SASSY QUEEN ET SON GROS ASS, BITCHES. ∞ groupe : blue jeans (bien qu'on pourrait le foutre chez les girls, je m'auto-like). ∞ crédits : Dieu.

→ tell me something i don't know
il a un très petit appétit genre il mange une salade et il est calé, duh. ∞ par contre il se gave de boissons sucrées et mâche des chewing gum all day. ∞ il est le chouchou de ses parents et il ne lui refusent jamais rien. ∞ il est très enthousiaste et spontané du genre à s'incruster facilement dans une conversation. ∞ il fait hyper attention à son apparence mais pas nécessairement au niveau vestimentaire. ∞ il a horreur de voir les choses lui échapper des mains et aime obtenir ce qu'il veut, le petit cupide. ∞ quand il veut s'isoler du monde, il met de la musique niaise à fond dans ses oreilles et se plonge dans un livre tout aussi niais pour faire genre c'est trop une guimauve de la life. ∞ il ne s'est jamais entendu avec ses ''frères et sœurs'' sauf sa plus jeune sœur. ∞ il sourit en permanence, il pense que ça lui donne l'air invincible et il aime avoir l'air invincible. ∞ il peut se montrer très féroce, très méchant genre il est capable de pourir la vie de quelqu'un parce qu'il lui semble que c'est un obstacle. ∞ ça lui arrive souvent de pas répondre à ses textos mais il déteste qu'on lui rende la pareille. ∞ s'il pouvait partir de cette ville sans aucun regret, avec une voiture, un logement assuré ailleurs et un peu de fric, il le ferait. Mais il est trop attaché à ses parents adoptifs qui le chouchoutent en permanence. ∞ sa bissexualité n'a jamais choqué personne. ∞ il est très tactile mais a horreur qu'on le touche lorsqu'il est en colère. ∞ il sait très bien que sa famille trouve pas l'argent sous les sabots d'un cheval mais il est conscient qu'il peut demander certaines choses sans se les voir refuser. ∞

→ who's behind the screen ?
pseudo/prénom : defintion of love. / Lola deuxième du nom. ∞ âge : 16 ans. ∞ pays/région : france une semaine sur deux 69 et une semaine sur deux 01. ∞ comment as-tu connu le forum ? Y'AVAIT UN PONEY ET DES NUAGES ET J'AI SAUTE SUR LE NUAGE ROSE. ∞ tes impressions sur le forum : azrlkjazeoiazk, okey ? ∞ scénario ou inventé ? scénario, yakoi. ∞ présence : jamais, vous savez bien. ∞ code du règlement : vous m'avez traumatisée des règlements sérieux plus jamais je lis. ∞ une dernière chose à ajouter ? IL VIT EN MOI.

Dernière édition par K.-Timoty Meadows le Dim 30 Déc - 10:59, édité 5 fois
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K.-Timoty Meadows

K.-Timoty Meadows
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 26/12/2012
Ҩ PSEUDO : definition of love. | Lola² keuwa.

saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you.   saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. EmptyMer 26 Déc - 9:34


Le silence s'infiltrait dans les rues insidieusement, comme s'il cherchait à rendre fou, à tambouriner plus fort que le bruit lui-même. Il faisait froid dans les rues, les volets étaient tous fermés, certaines lumières encore allumées procurait un peu de chaleur à la ville tandis que la brise sifflant dans mes oreilles me glaçait littéralement l'échine, ébouriffant mes cheveux sur son passage. Des ronds de fumée s'échappait du bâton bicolore que je secouais dans ma main droite sans jamais avoir pris la peine de le porter à la bouche. Gâchis. Mes poumons n'était pas d'humeur. Je tournais mes pupilles vers les coins de rue qui m'étaient familier, il m'arrivait d'esquisser un sourire, d'écraser ma cigarette puis d'en rallumer une juste pour avoir une présence. Le bout rougis de cette dernière me rendait visible. Trop de choses lui manquaient. Trop de choses s'étaient effritées aussi facilement que le bout de cette cigarette. Elles s'étaient consumées à cause d'une flamme inconnue. Enfin, bien sûr que j'en connaissais la flamme, je préférais ne pas y penser, plonger mes pensées ailleurs que dans le passée. Sauf ce soir, un brin de nostalgie flottait dans l'air. La rue était belle dans les ténèbres. Presque élégante.

La porte se claqua derrière lui, Jay se leva brusquement de son tabouret, manquant de le faire tomber et planta ses yeux noirs dans ceux de Timoty. Le jeune garçon ne cilla pas, pure habitude. Il s'était accoutumé à ses sautes d'humeurs et puis, il savait très bien qu'il ne l'aimait pas. « Couché Jay … » le grand bonhomme croisa les bras et toisa son frère adoptif, scrutant toujours ses yeux. « Maman et papa se sont inquiétés pour toi tantouse. » Tim avait horreur qu'on l'appelle comme ça. Il ne répondit pas, fit un geste du poignet pour qu'il se dégage sur le côté -ce qu'il fit, tout naturellement- et fit rouler ses yeux. « Merci, Jay. » puis sans se faire attendre le choc arriva sa mère se jeta sur lui et le serra dans ses bras. Il prit un air désolé et tapota le dos de sa mère tandis que Jay fulminait encore dans le vestibule. « Hé … hé là pleure pas maman ! J'ai passé les 18 ans, tu sais. » il posa son menton sur son épaule et ferma les yeux le temps que le hoquet nerveux de sa mère ne passe. Lorsqu'il les rouvrit, elle le recula et le regarda de haut en bas -juste au cas où il aurait des marques de violences, m'voyez-, il rencontra alors les pupilles furibondes de son père. Des yeux qui lui posaient des tonnes de questions, inconsciemment. Putain, t'étais où ? Tu foutais quoi pendant que ta mère récitait une prière pour que tu reviennes avant la fin du dîner, hein ? Timoty baissa les yeux et souffla d'une voix cassée. « Je suis désolé maman je … tu sais … » « Le fait que Jay soit à la maison n'est pas une bonne raison pour rater le dîner mon chéri. Aller, ton assiette est froide mais … » « J'ai pas faim, j'vais juste monter dans ma chambre pour dormir. » il commença à grimper les marches des escaliers quand Jay l'attrapa par le col. « Tu pourrais au moins … » « Jay, laisse-le tranquille. JAY ! » il lâcha le col de Tim à contrecœur. L'adolescent épousseta son pull et monta les marche pour tourner dans le long couloir et s'engouffrer dans sa chambre. Des cris raisonnèrent au rez-de-chaussée. Timoty eut presque envie d'en sourire. Mais il perdrait toute crédibilité, si quelqu'un entrait dans sa chambre en ce moment précis. Il s'assit en tailleur et se contenta d'écouter. « Ton frère n'est pas bien en ce moment. » la voix calme de sa mère semblait s'adresser à Jay. Ça ne pouvait qu'être lui, Minnie était chez une copine et les autres avaient quitté la ville depuis plusieurs année. « C'est pas mon frère m'man, tu comprends pas ou quoi ? » « Bon sang Jay, ce pauvre gamin t'as rien fait à ce que je sache ? » « Si, il a captivé toute ton attention et il te fire dire des conneries du genre ''il est pas bien'' mais putain, comment tu peux savoir ? » « Une mère sait toujours quand … » « Mais MAMAN ! Il vient d'un thermos dans un hôpital, il a été abandonné par sa vraie mère, il vient pas de ton utérus ! » « On appelle ça une couveuse. Et t'aimerais toi, savoir que t'as pas parents biologiques ? Qu'ils t'ont largué dans une couveuse et sont partis comme des voleurs ? » Jay se tut et porta ses deux mains sur sa tête. Toujours la même chose. Pauvre enfant, pitié à lui, il mérite le triple de l'amour maternelle. Plus aucun bruit ne s'est fait entendre. Puis une porta claqua. Tim courut à sa fenêtre et arqua un sourcil. Bien, il avait mis un sacré moment avant de se casser. Et le discours aurait été le même pour n'importe lequel de ses frères. Même si sa plus vieille sœur était là. Il était le parasite pour tout le monde. Sauf pour ses parents, Minnie et le chien.

pasta box bitch face :

Dernière édition par K.-Timoty Meadows le Mar 1 Jan - 0:43, édité 5 fois
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The Cuppycake

W. Ethan S. Harris

W. Ethan S. Harris
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 23/12/2012
Ҩ ÂGE : 20 ans.
Ҩ STATUT : en couple, on va dire.
Ҩ EMPLOI : étudiant.
saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. Tumblr_mft83yXL8J1rx3s0eo1_400
saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. Tumblr_mg9gymByBI1ridpr5o2_250
loving you hurts me but it feels so good.

i knew you were trouble:

Ҩ PSEUDO : kill.the.bitch
Ҩ AVATAR : liam CUPPYCAKE payne.
Ҩ CRÉDIT : ouvre tes zyeux wsh.
Ҩ DISPO AU RP : quand le forum sera ouvert hihi.
Ҩ DC : yé né soui pas skizo, non.

saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you.   saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. EmptyMer 26 Déc - 9:40


PUIS CE PSEUDO LÀ saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2806429274 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3464165534 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3910324452

MERCIMERCIMERCIMERCIMERCIMERCIMERCI JOTEM LOLA DEUXIEME DU NOM saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006
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Dark Angel

A. Jezabel Dean

A. Jezabel Dean
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 25/12/2012
Ҩ ÂGE : dix-neuf
Ҩ STATUT : it's complicated
Ҩ EMPLOI : étudiante en design de mode + vendeuse au dress me up + mannequin anonyme (mais chut, ça faut pas le dire)
saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 229002LilyCollinstumblr8
No I could not want you more then I did right then.

Ҩ PSEUDO : night sky.
Ҩ AVATAR : lilly collins
Ҩ CRÉDIT : aeroplane
Ҩ DC : nop

saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you.   saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. EmptyMer 26 Déc - 10:03

bienvenue I love you
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Skater Boy

Ollie Parker

Ollie Parker
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 23/12/2012
Ҩ ÂGE : 21 ans et presque toutes mes dents.
Ҩ STATUT : En couple avec ma main droite.
Ҩ EMPLOI : Etudiant et vendeur chez Holy Music.
saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. Tumblr_mfi9xi7QPK1ru62sso1_500

When I look up from my pillow
I dream you are there with me
Though you are far away
I know you'll always be near to me

saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. Tumblr_mfi3lxUFu71runtbjo2_500
Ҩ PSEUDO : Insane Toy.
Ҩ AVATAR : Niall Fucking Horan or The Cutest Thing in the World.
Ҩ CRÉDIT : pandora
Ҩ DC : Nopinope.

saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you.   saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. EmptyMer 26 Déc - 10:36

LOLABIS JOTEM DEJA saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385


CEY UNE MEGA CUNT saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1003453391

Si tu as besoin d'aide pour ta fiche, on est là avec Nico! ^^
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Elvis Puckerthing

Elvis Puckerthing
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 23/12/2012
Ҩ ÂGE : 21 ans, je suis majeure et vacciné, ma bite est légal aussi.
Ҩ STATUT : JE SUIS UNE BITE ET J'AIME LES BITES YAKOI ? Non mais personne le sait sinon je perds toute ma virilité dans mon boulot FAUT PAS DECONNER.
Ҩ CRÉDIT : Bazzart et tumblr.
Ҩ DISPO AU RP : à voir, tu payes en nature ?

saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you.   saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. EmptyMer 26 Déc - 12:03

...................................................................................................... on fait ça dans les chiottes ou comment ça se passe ? saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 891098728 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 891098728
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Dark Angel

Gwendolyn H. Feaster

Gwendolyn H. Feaster
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 26/12/2012
Ҩ ÂGE : dix-huit
Ҩ STATUT : ne nous compliquons pas la vie
Ҩ EMPLOI : serveuse au Savana Rhum (pour rentrer, demandez gwen)
Ҩ PSEUDO : aliiii
Ҩ AVATAR : Kaya Scodelario ♥
Ҩ CRÉDIT : edenmemories, tumblr
Ҩ DISPO AU RP : ouiiiii :3

saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you.   saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. EmptyMer 26 Déc - 14:59

saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 !!!
Bienvenue saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2781649424 I love you
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B. Ella

B. Ella "Rocky" Kane
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 24/12/2012
Ҩ ÂGE : Je suis plus vieille que la terre elle-même (ou pas, sinon je serai une momie. Comme la vioque dans Grimm là.)
Ҩ STATUT : PARTIE MANGER :okjesors: En faux couple avec ce gros payday d'Elvis. Sinon j'suis plus ou moins avec x. J'AI DIT PLUS OU MOINS. Oh et puis si mes parents savent que j'aime la moule, j'suis dans la merde. So, ceylacrise.
Ҩ EMPLOI : J'suis étudiante en économie, mais j'y vais jamais, je préfère aller faire du skate ou me fumer un joint sur le pont à côté de la grande route, tsé. Oh et puis mes parents ont voulu que je travaille, ils croient que j'suis serveuse. C'est mignon mais en scred j'suis caissière au Black Hole. Tu sais le sexshop de la ville ? Beh voilà. OUAIS JE VENDS DES BITES EN PLASTIQUE YAKOI.

saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. Tumblr_m10euxiZxg1qkpu7wo1_500
ROCK ME -Je te regarde, tu me regarde, tu crois que je t'aime mais je t'emmerde.


Ҩ PSEUDO : pandora (la plus belle des Lola)
Ҩ AVATAR : Nastya. Avoue elle est bonne ? Oui je trouve aussi.
Ҩ CRÉDIT : Ange jotem.
Ҩ DC : Pas schizo.

saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you.   saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. EmptyJeu 27 Déc - 8:51

TON IMAGE JOTEM ET MOI AUSSI JE TE BAISE MEME SI JE SUIS LESBIENNE OSEF saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 891098728
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The Cuppycake

W. Ethan S. Harris

W. Ethan S. Harris
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 23/12/2012
Ҩ ÂGE : 20 ans.
Ҩ STATUT : en couple, on va dire.
Ҩ EMPLOI : étudiant.
saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. Tumblr_mft83yXL8J1rx3s0eo1_400
saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. Tumblr_mg9gymByBI1ridpr5o2_250
loving you hurts me but it feels so good.

i knew you were trouble:

Ҩ PSEUDO : kill.the.bitch
Ҩ AVATAR : liam CUPPYCAKE payne.
Ҩ CRÉDIT : ouvre tes zyeux wsh.
Ҩ DISPO AU RP : quand le forum sera ouvert hihi.
Ҩ DC : yé né soui pas skizo, non.

saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you.   saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. EmptyJeu 27 Déc - 11:51

saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. Tumblr_m17i78vdkq1rrck67o1_500

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Dark Angel

E-Thésée. U Sweetlove

E-Thésée. U Sweetlove
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 26/12/2012
Ҩ ÂGE : Vingt-quatre ans et toutes mes dents.
Ҩ STATUT : J'suis fiancé mais j'suis un gros crado parce-que je la trompe avec son frangin. D'ailleurs je commence à avoir des sentiments pour mon meilleur ami. Si c'est pas chaotique tout ceci.
Ҩ EMPLOI : Je suis vendeur dans une Parfumerie de Luxe. Même que j'ai des propositions indécentes de certaines grosses bourgeoises refaite au bistouris mais je me contente de répondre d'un simple sourire charmeur. Les moules pas fraîches c'est pas mon truc.
saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 519690tumblrmaeuy41GEQ1rxoc8qo1500"L’amitié est le seul sentiment plus fort que l’amour, même s’il ressemble à l’amour dépouillé de l’attirance physique."

Ҩ PSEUDO : Esther Alias Pino.
Ҩ AVATAR : Francisco Lachowski.
Ҩ CRÉDIT : Americano & Tumblr (c)
Ҩ DISPO AU RP : Je suis toujours disponible pour tes beaux yeux.
Ҩ DC : J'étais shyzo dans une autre vie mais plus maintenant !

saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you.   saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. EmptyJeu 27 Déc - 12:44

FIOUUU COUP DE CHALEUR D'UN COUP saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361
Mais Louis quoi (a)
J'AI ENVIE TE FAIRE TOUT PLEIN DE GOSSE saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3910324452 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4029093039
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B. Ella

B. Ella "Rocky" Kane
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 24/12/2012
Ҩ ÂGE : Je suis plus vieille que la terre elle-même (ou pas, sinon je serai une momie. Comme la vioque dans Grimm là.)
Ҩ STATUT : PARTIE MANGER :okjesors: En faux couple avec ce gros payday d'Elvis. Sinon j'suis plus ou moins avec x. J'AI DIT PLUS OU MOINS. Oh et puis si mes parents savent que j'aime la moule, j'suis dans la merde. So, ceylacrise.
Ҩ EMPLOI : J'suis étudiante en économie, mais j'y vais jamais, je préfère aller faire du skate ou me fumer un joint sur le pont à côté de la grande route, tsé. Oh et puis mes parents ont voulu que je travaille, ils croient que j'suis serveuse. C'est mignon mais en scred j'suis caissière au Black Hole. Tu sais le sexshop de la ville ? Beh voilà. OUAIS JE VENDS DES BITES EN PLASTIQUE YAKOI.

saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. Tumblr_m10euxiZxg1qkpu7wo1_500
ROCK ME -Je te regarde, tu me regarde, tu crois que je t'aime mais je t'emmerde.


Ҩ PSEUDO : pandora (la plus belle des Lola)
Ҩ AVATAR : Nastya. Avoue elle est bonne ? Oui je trouve aussi.
Ҩ CRÉDIT : Ange jotem.
Ҩ DC : Pas schizo.

saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you.   saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. EmptyVen 28 Déc - 5:05

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The Cuppycake

W. Ethan S. Harris

W. Ethan S. Harris
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 23/12/2012
Ҩ ÂGE : 20 ans.
Ҩ STATUT : en couple, on va dire.
Ҩ EMPLOI : étudiant.
saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. Tumblr_mft83yXL8J1rx3s0eo1_400
saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. Tumblr_mg9gymByBI1ridpr5o2_250
loving you hurts me but it feels so good.

i knew you were trouble:

Ҩ PSEUDO : kill.the.bitch
Ҩ AVATAR : liam CUPPYCAKE payne.
Ҩ CRÉDIT : ouvre tes zyeux wsh.
Ҩ DISPO AU RP : quand le forum sera ouvert hihi.
Ҩ DC : yé né soui pas skizo, non.

saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you.   saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. EmptyDim 30 Déc - 10:37

HEY CEY KWA CES GIFS EN MODE SASSY BITCH AVEC MOI LÀ saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213
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K.-Timoty Meadows

K.-Timoty Meadows
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 26/12/2012
Ҩ PSEUDO : definition of love. | Lola² keuwa.

saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you.   saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. EmptyMar 1 Jan - 23:40

MERCI LES LOUTRES JVSBEZ. saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1007509364 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4064327615
(AWI EUH j'vais pas faire du cas par cas gélaflemme et ma connexion est toujours impuissante à l'acte efficace. Arrow)
ET TU SAIS BIEN QUE JOTEM ETHAN KEUR. saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3505463539
répondre ici, fait. Arrow
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Dark Angel


Africa-S. "Cheeky" Bones
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 25/12/2012
Ҩ PSEUDO : une gueuse en tutu. (CALLISTA)

saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you.   saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. EmptyMar 1 Jan - 23:58

Citation :
Il ne répondit pas, fit un geste du poignet pour qu'il se dégage sur le côté -ce qu'il fit, tout naturellement-
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Dark Angel

E-Thésée. U Sweetlove

E-Thésée. U Sweetlove
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 26/12/2012
Ҩ ÂGE : Vingt-quatre ans et toutes mes dents.
Ҩ STATUT : J'suis fiancé mais j'suis un gros crado parce-que je la trompe avec son frangin. D'ailleurs je commence à avoir des sentiments pour mon meilleur ami. Si c'est pas chaotique tout ceci.
Ҩ EMPLOI : Je suis vendeur dans une Parfumerie de Luxe. Même que j'ai des propositions indécentes de certaines grosses bourgeoises refaite au bistouris mais je me contente de répondre d'un simple sourire charmeur. Les moules pas fraîches c'est pas mon truc.
saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 519690tumblrmaeuy41GEQ1rxoc8qo1500"L’amitié est le seul sentiment plus fort que l’amour, même s’il ressemble à l’amour dépouillé de l’attirance physique."

Ҩ PSEUDO : Esther Alias Pino.
Ҩ AVATAR : Francisco Lachowski.
Ҩ CRÉDIT : Americano & Tumblr (c)
Ҩ DISPO AU RP : Je suis toujours disponible pour tes beaux yeux.
Ҩ DC : J'étais shyzo dans une autre vie mais plus maintenant !

saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you.   saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. EmptyMer 2 Jan - 1:24

HAN BORDELOUUU T'ES GAY L'AMI ! saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2124793060
En fait t'es parfait quoi (a) Rolling Eyes saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3910324452
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Dark Angel

A. Lexie Lennon

A. Lexie Lennon
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 27/12/2012
Ҩ ÂGE : 19 ans
Ҩ STATUT : Célibataire

saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. Tumblr_mele1gyDhA1rkknzdo5_250we are one and the same - Lana

saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. IMGTruly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you


Ҩ PSEUDO : Summer Love (Maëli)
Ҩ AVATAR : Barbara Palvin
Ҩ CRÉDIT : Bazzart
Ҩ DC : Nope

saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you.   saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. EmptyDim 6 Jan - 3:59


saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2006429247 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4205929361 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 299291385 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3548381332 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1247806006 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2848245269 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 469478419 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1839924927 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 408535725 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 3967998059 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 4180599213 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1285694423 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 1340153060 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2729217173 saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you. 2176505670
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saw a piece of shit on the ground today, reminded me of you.

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