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 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple.

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Cameron J. Doherty

Cameron J. Doherty
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 05/01/2013
Ҩ ÂGE : dix neuf ans.
Ҩ STATUT : ceycompliqué.
Ҩ EMPLOI : étudiant en histoire de l'art.
CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Tumblr_inline_mftfurjeNu1raqsyv

we're not afraid of running wild:

Ҩ PSEUDO : ticket to ride, clémentine.
Ҩ AVATAR : josh flawless cuthbert.
Ҩ CRÉDIT : shiyalameilleure & tumblr.
Ҩ DISPO AU RP : toujours.
Ҩ DC : j'adore répondre non à cette question, ça arrive trop rarement pour que je m'en prive!

CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Empty
MessageSujet: CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple.   CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. EmptySam 5 Jan - 13:10

cameron justin doherty

→ me, myself and i
nom : doherty. ∞ prénoms : cameron justin. ∞ âge : 19 yo. ∞ date de naissance : 27 mai 1993. ∞ lieu de naissance : heaven hill. ∞ métier/études : étudiant en histoire de l'art. ∞ situation amoureuse : complicated. ∞ orientation sexuelle : bisexuel. ∞ traits de caractère : weird, fait très attention à son apparence, s'aime beucoup, curieux, surexcité, drôle, sympathique, sociable, plutôt riche, gamin, romantico-cute même s'il ne le montre pas, très efféminé, un peu provocateur. ∞ avatar : josh cuthbert. ∞ groupe : blue jeans. ∞ crédits : tumblr all the way!

→ tell me something i don't know
personne n'a jamais appelé cameron par son prénom, il s'appelle cam pour tout le monde ∞ sa passion est le chant, il a d'ailleurs une très jolie voix et rêve d'en faire son métier sans avoir à passer par une émission comme x factor ou the voice (même si c'est un grand fan de x factor et de the voice) ∞ il aimerait faire partie d'un boyband à la one direction mais ne l'a jamais dit à personne ∞ seuls ses amis proches savent qu'il aime one direction d'ailleurs ∞ mais tout le monde s'en doute ∞ il a fait de la danse classique plus jeune mais il détestait ça ∞ il dit toujours ce qu'il pense quand il le pense ∞ il fait partie des gens dits "populaires" de la fac mais il sait que c'est surtout grâce au fric de ses parents ∞ au fond il se fout de savoir qu'il est en haut de l'échelle sociale, la seule chose qui compte pour lui c'est d'avoir de bons potes qui l'acceptent comme il est ∞ il a de bons potes qui l'acceptent comme il est ∞ tout le monde est au courant de sa bisexualité ∞ il sort avec adriel et ne s'en cache pas ∞ il raconte un peu moins leurs petits problèmes de couple ∞ cam et adriel (ou cameriel) passent leurs vie à chercher la merde et à se faire chier l'un l'autre ∞ ils refusent d'arrêter en premier et continuent pour se venger ∞ personne ne se souvient de la façon dont ça a commencé ∞ ils ne le supportent plus ni l'un ni l'autre ∞ cam lui est exclusivement fidèle même si de temps en temps il flirte un peu avec d'autres pour le rendre jaloux ∞ il ne supporte pas de le voir avec quelqu'un d'autre ∞ il a une grande soeur, leanne, qui a vingt deux ans ∞ ils s'entendent très bien ∞ elle est très protectrice avec lui ∞ mais sait se faire respecter ∞ leurs parents les ont eu très tard ∞ ils sont donc un peu en retard sur leur temps ∞ ils sont très catholiques ∞ ils sont des avocats très réputés ∞ leanne et cam ont de temps en temps un peu de mal avec leur côté vieux jeu ∞ ils essaient cependant de l'ignorer ∞ globalement leur famille est plutôt unie.

→ who's behind the screen ?
pseudo/prénom : ttr, clém ∞ âge : 17 yo. ∞ pays/région : paris rpz. ∞ comment as-tu connu le forum ? nicooooo. ∞ tes impressions sur le forum : terlmkghremklhgreklmhgklrehg. CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1007509364 ∞ scénario ou inventé ? inventé. ∞ présence : whenever i caaaan. ∞ code du règlement : c'est bien si ça vous fait rire Arrow ∞ une dernière chose à ajouter ? keuuuur.

Dernière édition par Cameron J. Doherty le Mar 8 Jan - 8:08, édité 6 fois
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Cameron J. Doherty

Cameron J. Doherty
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 05/01/2013
Ҩ ÂGE : dix neuf ans.
Ҩ STATUT : ceycompliqué.
Ҩ EMPLOI : étudiant en histoire de l'art.
CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Tumblr_inline_mftfurjeNu1raqsyv

we're not afraid of running wild:

Ҩ PSEUDO : ticket to ride, clémentine.
Ҩ AVATAR : josh flawless cuthbert.
Ҩ CRÉDIT : shiyalameilleure & tumblr.
Ҩ DISPO AU RP : toujours.
Ҩ DC : j'adore répondre non à cette question, ça arrive trop rarement pour que je m'en prive!

CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple.   CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. EmptySam 5 Jan - 13:10


« Cameron, mon amour, viens ici » Je soupire. « MAMAN, CAM PAS CAMERON OK ? CAMERON CA FAIT FILLE C’EST PAS BEAU CAM C’EST PAS BEAU NON PLUS MAIS C’EST PLUS COURT DONC AU MOINS C’EST PAS BEAU MOINS LONGTEMPS ». Je m’emporte à peine. Chose rare cependant. Mon prénom doit être la seule chose avec laquelle je ne déconne pas. Ça et Adriel. Mais ma mère n’a aucune raison de dire quoique ce soit à propos de lui vu qu’elle sait à peine qu’il existe, pense que nous sommes juste bons amis et n’imagine même pas le fait que je puisse être autre chose qu’hétérosexuel. Mon père aussi d’ailleurs. Alors qu’ils m’ont déjà croisé main dans la main avec certains de mes exs, que je passe ma vie à aller « prendre un verre » ou « au cinéma » avec Adriel. C’est dingue la façon dont on peut refuser d’admettre ce qu’on ne veut pas voir quand même. Mes parents sont très forts pour ça. « Oui, Cam, si tu préfères, je ne comprends pas pourquoi tu fais une fixette là-dessus depuis quelques années, c’est dingue quand même… » Je hausse les épaules. « Bref, qu’est-ce qu’il y a ? » Elle prend un air un peu gêné. « Ecoute Camer… Cam, il y a une conversation qu’il faudrait qu’on ait je crois ». Je n’arrive pas à retenir une exclamation surprise. Au temps pour moi, elle n’est pas complètement débile, elle a compris que j’étais bi. « Normalement ton père aurait dû l’avoir avec toi, je l’ai eu avec Leanne après tout, chacun son boulot mais c’est ton père il est un peu… » « Coincé ? » Elle élude d’un petit signe de la main. « Je veux juste m’assurer que tu traites les filles correctement. Et qu’on ne va pas se retrouver avec un procès sur le dos pour paternité indésirée ». Elle est donc vraiment stupide. Je ferme les yeux une seconde et les rouvre. « T’inquiète pas va, pas besoin d’avoir cette discussion, y a aucun risque ». Je m’apprête à sortir de la pièce mais je me retourne au dernier moment. « La prochaine fois, envoie papa, t’as raison c’est son rôle… Et demande-lui de se documenter sur le SIDA avant. Ça devrait plus vous inquiéter que les jeunes filles enceintes ».

« Tu m’as appelée ? Petit cœur a besoin de sa grande sœur préférée ? » Je lève la tête de mon oreiller et jette un coup d’œil à Leanne. « Nan, j’essaie de me remettre là, j’ai dépassé les limites du raisonnable question boisson hier soir, j’essaie de petit un, me débarrasser de ma gueule de bois, petit deux, de me souvenir de ce que j’ai fait et petit trois, d’éviter de croiser qui que ce soit avant d’avoir fini les petits un et deux ». Il en faut cependant plus pour décourager ma sœur. Elle s’assoit sur mon lit en me poussant sans délicatesse ce qui m’arrache un grognement. « Bouge. » Elle me met son portable sous le nez et me montre un texto. « Adri, je suis vraiment désolé rappelle moi. » Et merde. Je me suis encore trompé. A force de donner des surnoms à tout le monde dans mon répertoire je passe ma vie à confondre Connasse (ma sœur) et CoeurCoeurCoeur (Adriel). Faut dire qu’ils sont à côté dans l’ordre alphabétique. « Je ne t’ai pas appelée toi Leanne, tu connais encore ton prénom, non ? » Elle m’ignore. « Raconte. » Je ne réponds pas. « Cam, je déconne pas, raconte, maintenant ! » « Nan tu m’soules dégage de là, ça va j’ai pas besoin de toi, t’es mignonne avec moi quand ça t’arrange, juste quand tu veux des ragots. T’en a rien à foutre, personne n’en a rien à foutre, à part Adriel et j’ai encore tout gâché so get out ! » Elle hausse un sourcil. « Je ne sais pas si c’est censé m’impressionner mais je te connais par cœur, tu vas pleurer dans moins d’une minute vingt-huit et non seulement tu seras content que je sois là mais en plus tu vas me raconter. Ah et au fait… » Elle me gifle. « Ne dis plus jamais que personne n’en a rien à foutre de toi, compris ? » Je gémis. « Aie ma tête… » Elle n’a pas tort cependant. Je sens les larmes me monter aux yeux depuis un bon moment déjà et en parler n’a pas arrangé les choses. Je les refoule cependant du mieux que je peux. Je suis un homme, oui monsieur. « Je ne pleurerai pas Leanne et je ne te raconterai pas ». Elle me regarde dans les yeux pendant une bonne dizaine de secondes et semble se résigner. Pour la première fois ou presque. « Bon bah viens alors, on va regarder le Roi Lion » Je saute sur mes pieds et la suit vers le salon. Le Roi Lion est le meilleur film de tous les temps, rien de mieux pour me remettre d’aplomb.


La musique est trop forte. Ma tête tourne. J’ai beaucoup trop bu, encore une fois. Peut-être même que je suis défoncé. Je ne sais pas. Je ne sais plus. Nous sommes venus ici à quinze mais je ne trouve plus aucun de mes amis. Je crois que je viens de laisser une fille seule quelque part. J’essayais de rendre jaloux Adriel. Et puis j’en ai eu marre. Alors je suis parti. Sans rien dire à la fille. Qui doit toujours être dans le coin. Quoique peut-être pas. J’ai perdu toute notion du temps. Je ne sais pas si je viens de la laisser ou si je l’ai fait il y a deux heures. Je ne sais pas s’il est minuit ou six heures du mat. Peut-être entre les deux. Peut-être plus tard. Je vois un peu flou, le rythme de la musique est trop rapide, impossible de me concentrer sur quoi que ce soit. Je m’assois sur le premier tabouret que je croise et regarde ma montre. Les chiffres dansent mais je finis par réussir à lire l’heure. 6h43. Je ne rentrerai pas chez moi ce soir. Mes parents sont déjà levés et je ne peux pas les croiser dans cet état. Je réfléchis à une façon de me reposer quelques heures quand je le vois. Il est sur la piste. Avec un mec inconnu. Qui est clairement en train de l’embrasser. Et ça n’a pas l’air de le déranger plus que ça. Au contraire. Je connais Adriel par cœur. Je le comprends limite mieux que je ne me comprends. Et quand il cherche à m’énerver, il me cherche du regard pour me faire un grand sourire provocateur. Ce qu’il ne fait pas. J’attends quelques secondes avant de me lever. Je vacille un peu mais arrive jusqu’à eux en marchant aussi droit que possible. Je tapote l’épaule de Mr Unknown. Il se retourne. Et je lui envoie mon poing dans la gueule. Sans réfléchir. Comme ça. Il est trop surpris et bourré pour réagir. Je lance un regard noir à Adriel et sors de la boîte. Tant pis. Je rentre chez moi. Même si Leanne va se foutre de ma gueule. Parce que je pleure. Encore.

« Je suis désolé. » Je hausse les épaules. « Je m’en fous. » Je serre les dents. On ne pleure pas, on ne pleure pas, on ne pleure pas. « Réagis pas comme ça Cam, t’étais avec une meuf trente secondes avant ! » Je tourne la tête vers lui. « La différence entre toi et moi, c’est que je le faisais pour t’énerver, comme d’hab. Je… » Je prends une grande inspiration, me lève, fais les cent pas et me rassois. « J’en ai marre de ces conneries. Tout en sachant que je vais choper la première occasion de me venger, parce que tu le mérites, parce que pour que j’en devienne violent, il faut qu’il y ait des raisons. C’était la première fois que je donnais un coup de poing à quelqu’un, je me suis fait super mal ! » Je lui montre mon bandage à la main droite. Il le regarde d’un air moqueur. « Oh, shut up. Je te parle sérieusement. Je… Tu sais bien que je… » Je ferme les yeux. Je suis encore énervé à cause de cette histoire et j’ai du mal à dire ces mots. Comme d’hab. Mais comme d’hab, il comprend. Je sens ses bras m’entourer. « Moi aussi. » Je pose ma tête sur son épaule en soupirant. Comme d’hab, je me suis fait avoir comme un con. Je n’arrive jamais à rester énervé très longtemps contre lui. Et même si je sais que c’est réciproque, je me sens con. A chaque fois. « Cam, est-ce qu’on sort ensemble ? » Je me redresse un peu. « Je sais pas. Honnêtement, je sais pas. » « Et tu préfèrerais que la réponse soit quoi ? » Je me mordille la lèvre et me rassois normalement. « Je préfèrerais que ce soit oui. Mais je sais aussi que mon ego me forcera toujours à te faire payer des coups comme vendredi soir. » Je m’arrête une seconde. « Et toi ? » Il hausse les épaules. « Moi, je t’aime » Je souris et l’embrasse doucement sur les lèvres. « On a qu’à dire qu’on sort ensemble » « Mais qu’on a le droit de se faire des blagues ? » Je regarde mes pieds. « Si ce sont vraiment des blagues. » Nous high fivons pour sceller notre accord. «On a quand même l’air sacrément cons ! » Il rit. « Ça va ouais ! Romantiques à pleurer. On est cute » Je hoche la tête. « Yes we are. »

Dernière édition par Cameron J. Doherty le Mar 8 Jan - 8:08, édité 4 fois
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Elle est douce

Aphrodite B.-C. Duncan

Aphrodite B.-C. Duncan
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 04/01/2013
Ҩ ÂGE : 23 ans.
Ҩ STATUT : célibacruche.
Ҩ EMPLOI : coiffeuse.
Life expects me to be strong
Doesn't always mean I've got to
Sing that song need to take it
Easy on yourself I need to take it
Easy on myself

CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Tumblr_me5nhfi4gL1qa9n4vo2_250

Ҩ PSEUDO : kill.the.bitch
Ҩ AVATAR : cheryl sexy cole.
Ҩ CRÉDIT : kill.the.bitch + tumblr + bazzart.
Ҩ DISPO AU RP : bien shour que yé lé soui.
Ҩ DC : le cuppycake.

CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple.   CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. EmptySam 5 Jan - 13:33

JOTE BZ ARDEMMENT. CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2097460397
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Cameron J. Doherty

Cameron J. Doherty
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 05/01/2013
Ҩ ÂGE : dix neuf ans.
Ҩ STATUT : ceycompliqué.
Ҩ EMPLOI : étudiant en histoire de l'art.
CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Tumblr_inline_mftfurjeNu1raqsyv

we're not afraid of running wild:

Ҩ PSEUDO : ticket to ride, clémentine.
Ҩ AVATAR : josh flawless cuthbert.
Ҩ CRÉDIT : shiyalameilleure & tumblr.
Ҩ DISPO AU RP : toujours.
Ҩ DC : j'adore répondre non à cette question, ça arrive trop rarement pour que je m'en prive!

CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple.   CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. EmptySam 5 Jan - 13:34

CHOUETTE MOUAZOSSI CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1007509364 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2787731181
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Dark Angel

E-Thésée. U Sweetlove

E-Thésée. U Sweetlove
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 26/12/2012
Ҩ ÂGE : Vingt-quatre ans et toutes mes dents.
Ҩ STATUT : J'suis fiancé mais j'suis un gros crado parce-que je la trompe avec son frangin. D'ailleurs je commence à avoir des sentiments pour mon meilleur ami. Si c'est pas chaotique tout ceci.
Ҩ EMPLOI : Je suis vendeur dans une Parfumerie de Luxe. Même que j'ai des propositions indécentes de certaines grosses bourgeoises refaite au bistouris mais je me contente de répondre d'un simple sourire charmeur. Les moules pas fraîches c'est pas mon truc.
CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 519690tumblrmaeuy41GEQ1rxoc8qo1500"L’amitié est le seul sentiment plus fort que l’amour, même s’il ressemble à l’amour dépouillé de l’attirance physique."

Ҩ PSEUDO : Esther Alias Pino.
Ҩ AVATAR : Francisco Lachowski.
Ҩ CRÉDIT : Americano & Tumblr (c)
Ҩ DISPO AU RP : Je suis toujours disponible pour tes beaux yeux.
Ҩ DC : J'étais shyzo dans une autre vie mais plus maintenant !

CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple.   CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. EmptySam 5 Jan - 21:24

OH MY GOD....JE MEURS CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 469478419 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2720220855 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2806429274 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361
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Cameron J. Doherty

Cameron J. Doherty
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 05/01/2013
Ҩ ÂGE : dix neuf ans.
Ҩ STATUT : ceycompliqué.
Ҩ EMPLOI : étudiant en histoire de l'art.
CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Tumblr_inline_mftfurjeNu1raqsyv

we're not afraid of running wild:

Ҩ PSEUDO : ticket to ride, clémentine.
Ҩ AVATAR : josh flawless cuthbert.
Ҩ CRÉDIT : shiyalameilleure & tumblr.
Ҩ DISPO AU RP : toujours.
Ҩ DC : j'adore répondre non à cette question, ça arrive trop rarement pour que je m'en prive!

CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple.   CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. EmptyDim 6 Jan - 2:45

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Dark Angel


Lawrence "Chaz" T. David
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 25/12/2012
Ҩ ÂGE : 25 yo. l'âge d'or où tout est permis
Ҩ STATUT : sexual tension body !
Ҩ EMPLOI : sexy driver, ou le mec qui donne des pass direct pour le 7e ciel
CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Tumblr_lva703ynN91qcvnfwo1_500

« I want you to rock me
I want you to rock me
I want you to hit the pedal
Heavy metal show me you care »

CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Tumblr_lk2bx8Suel1qf7jgro1_500

Ҩ PSEUDO : mojito.
Ҩ AVATAR : Marlon thesexiest Teixeira
Ҩ CRÉDIT : angel dust rpz
Ҩ DISPO AU RP : not yet
Ҩ DC : none

CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple.   CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. EmptyDim 6 Jan - 3:48

JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH MAGAD CE MEC EST UN DIEEEEEEEEEEEEU CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452
Bienvenue beauté divine CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3699949925
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Dark Angel

A. Lexie Lennon

A. Lexie Lennon
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 27/12/2012
Ҩ ÂGE : 19 ans
Ҩ STATUT : Célibataire

CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Tumblr_mele1gyDhA1rkknzdo5_250we are one and the same - Lana

CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. IMGTruly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you


Ҩ PSEUDO : Summer Love (Maëli)
Ҩ AVATAR : Barbara Palvin
Ҩ CRÉDIT : Bazzart
Ҩ DC : Nope

CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple.   CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. EmptyDim 6 Jan - 3:55


CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 4205929361 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2006429247 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1247806006 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 675700275 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 1688815589

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Cameron J. Doherty

Cameron J. Doherty
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 05/01/2013
Ҩ ÂGE : dix neuf ans.
Ҩ STATUT : ceycompliqué.
Ҩ EMPLOI : étudiant en histoire de l'art.
CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Tumblr_inline_mftfurjeNu1raqsyv

we're not afraid of running wild:

Ҩ PSEUDO : ticket to ride, clémentine.
Ҩ AVATAR : josh flawless cuthbert.
Ҩ CRÉDIT : shiyalameilleure & tumblr.
Ҩ DISPO AU RP : toujours.
Ҩ DC : j'adore répondre non à cette question, ça arrive trop rarement pour que je m'en prive!

CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple.   CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. EmptyDim 6 Jan - 3:58

Merci à tous les deux lrkmhgkerlh Marlon & Barbara omg CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728
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B. Ella

B. Ella "Rocky" Kane
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 24/12/2012
Ҩ ÂGE : Je suis plus vieille que la terre elle-même (ou pas, sinon je serai une momie. Comme la vioque dans Grimm là.)
Ҩ STATUT : PARTIE MANGER :okjesors: En faux couple avec ce gros payday d'Elvis. Sinon j'suis plus ou moins avec x. J'AI DIT PLUS OU MOINS. Oh et puis si mes parents savent que j'aime la moule, j'suis dans la merde. So, ceylacrise.
Ҩ EMPLOI : J'suis étudiante en économie, mais j'y vais jamais, je préfère aller faire du skate ou me fumer un joint sur le pont à côté de la grande route, tsé. Oh et puis mes parents ont voulu que je travaille, ils croient que j'suis serveuse. C'est mignon mais en scred j'suis caissière au Black Hole. Tu sais le sexshop de la ville ? Beh voilà. OUAIS JE VENDS DES BITES EN PLASTIQUE YAKOI.

CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Tumblr_m10euxiZxg1qkpu7wo1_500
ROCK ME -Je te regarde, tu me regarde, tu crois que je t'aime mais je t'emmerde.


Ҩ PSEUDO : pandora (la plus belle des Lola)
Ҩ AVATAR : Nastya. Avoue elle est bonne ? Oui je trouve aussi.
Ҩ CRÉDIT : Ange jotem.
Ҩ DC : Pas schizo.

CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple.   CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. EmptyDim 6 Jan - 17:52

TEYMOCHE CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 469478419
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Cameron J. Doherty

Cameron J. Doherty
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 05/01/2013
Ҩ ÂGE : dix neuf ans.
Ҩ STATUT : ceycompliqué.
Ҩ EMPLOI : étudiant en histoire de l'art.
CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Tumblr_inline_mftfurjeNu1raqsyv

we're not afraid of running wild:

Ҩ PSEUDO : ticket to ride, clémentine.
Ҩ AVATAR : josh flawless cuthbert.
Ҩ CRÉDIT : shiyalameilleure & tumblr.
Ҩ DISPO AU RP : toujours.
Ҩ DC : j'adore répondre non à cette question, ça arrive trop rarement pour que je m'en prive!

CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple.   CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. EmptyDim 6 Jan - 17:54

TOI AUSSI What a Face
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Cameron J. Doherty

Cameron J. Doherty
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 05/01/2013
Ҩ ÂGE : dix neuf ans.
Ҩ STATUT : ceycompliqué.
Ҩ EMPLOI : étudiant en histoire de l'art.
CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Tumblr_inline_mftfurjeNu1raqsyv

we're not afraid of running wild:

Ҩ PSEUDO : ticket to ride, clémentine.
Ҩ AVATAR : josh flawless cuthbert.
Ҩ CRÉDIT : shiyalameilleure & tumblr.
Ҩ DISPO AU RP : toujours.
Ҩ DC : j'adore répondre non à cette question, ça arrive trop rarement pour que je m'en prive!

CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple.   CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. EmptyMar 8 Jan - 8:09

finiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 891098728
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Dark Angel

Gabriel Fitzgerald

Gabriel Fitzgerald
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 26/12/2012
Ҩ ÂGE : 26 ans.
Ҩ EMPLOI : Prof de maths au lycée.
CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Tumblr_m7f4itsTGd1ryvicno1_500
Ҩ AVATAR : Ian somerhalder
Ҩ CRÉDIT : Makkura
Ҩ DISPO AU RP : Pause.

CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple.   CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. EmptyMar 8 Jan - 11:37

Bienvenue sur le fo' ! :D
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Cameron J. Doherty

Cameron J. Doherty
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 05/01/2013
Ҩ ÂGE : dix neuf ans.
Ҩ STATUT : ceycompliqué.
Ҩ EMPLOI : étudiant en histoire de l'art.
CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Tumblr_inline_mftfurjeNu1raqsyv

we're not afraid of running wild:

Ҩ PSEUDO : ticket to ride, clémentine.
Ҩ AVATAR : josh flawless cuthbert.
Ҩ CRÉDIT : shiyalameilleure & tumblr.
Ҩ DISPO AU RP : toujours.
Ҩ DC : j'adore répondre non à cette question, ça arrive trop rarement pour que je m'en prive!

CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple.   CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. EmptyMar 8 Jan - 14:42

Merci :)
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Dark Angel

A. Jezabel Dean

A. Jezabel Dean
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 25/12/2012
Ҩ ÂGE : dix-neuf
Ҩ STATUT : it's complicated
Ҩ EMPLOI : étudiante en design de mode + vendeuse au dress me up + mannequin anonyme (mais chut, ça faut pas le dire)
CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 229002LilyCollinstumblr8
No I could not want you more then I did right then.

Ҩ PSEUDO : night sky.
Ҩ AVATAR : lilly collins
Ҩ CRÉDIT : aeroplane
Ҩ DC : nop

CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple.   CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. EmptyMer 9 Jan - 14:38

bienvenue sexy bonhomme CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3845856932 CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2729217173
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Cameron J. Doherty

Cameron J. Doherty
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 05/01/2013
Ҩ ÂGE : dix neuf ans.
Ҩ STATUT : ceycompliqué.
Ҩ EMPLOI : étudiant en histoire de l'art.
CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Tumblr_inline_mftfurjeNu1raqsyv

we're not afraid of running wild:

Ҩ PSEUDO : ticket to ride, clémentine.
Ҩ AVATAR : josh flawless cuthbert.
Ҩ CRÉDIT : shiyalameilleure & tumblr.
Ҩ DISPO AU RP : toujours.
Ҩ DC : j'adore répondre non à cette question, ça arrive trop rarement pour que je m'en prive!

CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple.   CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. EmptyJeu 10 Jan - 1:17

Merciiiiiiiii ❤❤❤❤
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Cameron J. Doherty

Cameron J. Doherty
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 05/01/2013
Ҩ ÂGE : dix neuf ans.
Ҩ STATUT : ceycompliqué.
Ҩ EMPLOI : étudiant en histoire de l'art.
CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Tumblr_inline_mftfurjeNu1raqsyv

we're not afraid of running wild:

Ҩ PSEUDO : ticket to ride, clémentine.
Ҩ AVATAR : josh flawless cuthbert.
Ҩ CRÉDIT : shiyalameilleure & tumblr.
Ҩ DISPO AU RP : toujours.
Ҩ DC : j'adore répondre non à cette question, ça arrive trop rarement pour que je m'en prive!

CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple.   CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. EmptyVen 11 Jan - 6:08

Je ne suis pas validée donc je le dis ici et non dans les absences, je pars au skiiii jusqu'au 21 janvier mais je reviens vite vite vite CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2124793060
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The Cuppycake

W. Ethan S. Harris

W. Ethan S. Harris
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 23/12/2012
Ҩ ÂGE : 20 ans.
Ҩ STATUT : en couple, on va dire.
Ҩ EMPLOI : étudiant.
CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Tumblr_mft83yXL8J1rx3s0eo1_400
CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Tumblr_mg9gymByBI1ridpr5o2_250
loving you hurts me but it feels so good.

i knew you were trouble:

Ҩ PSEUDO : kill.the.bitch
Ҩ AVATAR : liam CUPPYCAKE payne.
Ҩ CRÉDIT : ouvre tes zyeux wsh.
Ҩ DISPO AU RP : quand le forum sera ouvert hihi.
Ҩ DC : yé né soui pas skizo, non.

CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple.   CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. EmptyLun 14 Jan - 5:23

OMFGGGGG DESOLE CHERIE J'AVAIS PAS VU QUE TU AVAIS FINI TA FICHE, SHAME ON MEEEE CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 3910324452

Vas-y souris ! T'es validé(e) !

Bienvenue à Heaven Hill, Cam. Je t'annonce officiellement que tu es validé. Tu peux sauter de joie, foutre le feu à ta maison, faire un strip-tease endiablé. Ou tout en même temps. Mais ne pense pas que ton travail s'arrête ici. Faut pas que les admins soient les seuls à bosser, qu'est-ce que tu crois? Tout d'abord, va faire recenser ton avatar, parce qu'il faudrait pas que ta tronche existe en double, surtout si t'es moche. Ensuite, sens toi libre de créer ta fiche de liens. Parce que le but d'un RP, c'est quand même de communiquer. Avec d'autres gens. Vous savez, ces trucs avec des mains et des jambes. Si tu as une idée précise en tête, tu peux créer un scénario, tel un Frankenstein dans son laboratoire. En noir et blanc, tout ça. Pour finir, crée la page Facebook de ton personnage, parce que la communication, c'est la vie. Parce que sinon tu finiras mangé par ton chat dans un appartement sordide, ce serait dommage. Et si tu te sens vraiment seul... Viens flooder comme un fifou avec nous jusqu'au bout de la nuit. Alcool et cupcakes à volonté.

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Cameron J. Doherty

Cameron J. Doherty
Ҩ ARRIVÉ(E) LE : 05/01/2013
Ҩ ÂGE : dix neuf ans.
Ҩ STATUT : ceycompliqué.
Ҩ EMPLOI : étudiant en histoire de l'art.
CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Tumblr_inline_mftfurjeNu1raqsyv

we're not afraid of running wild:

Ҩ PSEUDO : ticket to ride, clémentine.
Ҩ AVATAR : josh flawless cuthbert.
Ҩ CRÉDIT : shiyalameilleure & tumblr.
Ҩ DISPO AU RP : toujours.
Ҩ DC : j'adore répondre non à cette question, ça arrive trop rarement pour que je m'en prive!

CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple.   CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. EmptyLun 14 Jan - 8:26

Merciiiii CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. 2124793060
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Contenu sponsorisé

CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple.   CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple. Empty

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CAM ∆ and remember it's not simple to be cool but it's cool to be simple.

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